Children of same-sex couples born abroad are eligible for US citizenship

Children Of Same Sex Couples Born Abroad Are Eligible For US Citizenship

Previously, babies born abroad, genetically linked to the American parent.

The modification was made in response to lawsuits filed by couples whose children were born through surrogacy and other techniques.

Children Of Same Sex Couples

According to experts, hundreds of families living outside of the United States are expected to be affected by the new policy.

Children of married couples, when at least one parent is an American, and one is related to the kid, are eligible for citizenship and family benefits, according to a regulation released by (USCIS) The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services on Thursday.

Ur Jaddou, the agency’s director, said the new version of the law is meant to ensure “fair access for all the things and support for all families and their loved ones.”

According to Aaron Morris, executive director of the LGBT advocacy group Immigration Equality, the decision will likely affect hundreds of couples, though the exact number is unknown.

The US Department of State announced a similar family policy reversal in May, claiming that the revision takes into account “realities of modern families” and developments in reproductive technologies since the laws were enacted in 1952.

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