Welcoming Ramadan 2024 Understanding Its Significance and Observance

Welcoming Ramadan 2024: Understanding Its Significance and Observance

Explore the essence and observance of Ramadan 2024, including when it begins and the tradition of moon sighting. Get insights on fasting, Eid al-Fitr celebrations, and heartfelt greetings for a blessed month.

As we approach the holy month of Ramadan in 2024, many worldwide are preparing for a time of fasting, reflection, and community. 

This period, significant in the Islamic lunar calendar, is marked by its spiritual depth and the practices that connect millions of Muslims to their faith. 

Let us delve into the essentials of Ramadan, its timing, and how it is observed globally, emphasising simplicity and clarity to enrich our understanding.

The Significance of Ramadan

Ramadan holds a central place in Islam, being one of its five pillars. 

It is the month when Muslims believe the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over 1,400 years ago.

This time is observed through fastingprayerreflection, and community

Fasting from dawn until sunset, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations. 

This practice aims to foster taqwa, or consciousness of God.

It is a means to purify the soul and develop empathy for the less fortunate.

When Does Ramadan 2024 Start?

For most countries, the first day of fasting is likely to be March 12, depending on the sighting of the new moon.

The Islamic lunar calendar determines Ramadan’s start, which requires sighting the crescent moon. 

This year, in Mecca, the first fasting day could be March 11 or 12, guided by this traditional method.

Moon Sighting: A Closer Look

The crescent moon’s sighting is a pivotal event that marks the beginning of Ramadan. 

It involves observing the night sky for the new moon, which signals the start of the month. 

Here is a simplified overview of the process:

  • Visibility Conditions: The crescent must set after the sun, making the sky dark enough to spot the new moon.
  • Observation Night: On March 10, the 29th of Shaaban in the Hijri calendar, moonsighters look to the western horizon after sunset.
  • Determining the Start: If the moon is sighted, Ramadan begins the following day; otherwise, Shaaban lasts 30 days, moving the start to March 12.

Global Perspectives on Ramadan’s Start

The expected visibility of the new moon varies globally. 

According to Crescent Moon Watch, while the new moon begins on March 10 at 17:23 GMT, it is anticipated to be visible only in specific regions like near the Hawaiian Islands and parts of French Polynesia. 

Most other parts of the world, including the Middle East, North America, and Europe, may see the crescent on March 11, affecting the start date of fasting across different countries.

Key Practices During Ramadan

Ramadan’s daily rhythm is defined by fastingprayer, and reflection. Observant Muslims engage in the following practices:

  • Fasting: Fasting is observed from the Fajr (dawn) prayer to the Maghrib (sunset) prayer.
  • Iftar: The fast is broken at sunset, traditionally with dates and water, followed by a meal.
  • Tarawih Prayers: Special evening prayers where long portions of the Quran are recited.

These practices deepen one’s faith, discipline, and empathy for those in need.

Eid al-Fitr: The Celebration of Breaking the Fast

Eid al-Fitr marks the culmination of Ramadan, a festive occasion celebrated with community prayers, feasting, and giving. 

Expected to begin on April 10 or 11, depending on the moon’s sighting, it is a time of joy, marking the end of a month-long journey of spiritual renewal.

Wishing Someone for Ramadan

Greeting friends, family, and acquaintances during Ramadan is a beautiful tradition. “Ramadan Mubarak” and “Ramadan Kareem” are common phrases that offer blessings for a blessed and generous month.


Ramadan is a time of profound spiritual significance, bringing communities together in a shared journey of faith, discipline, and reflection. 

As we welcome Ramadan 2024, let us embrace the lessons and blessings it brings, enriching our lives and those around us.

Remember, the essence of Ramadan transcends the rituals; it is a time to purify the heart and renew one’s connection to the divine. 

Whether observing the fast or supporting those who do, Ramadan offers a moment to reflect on the values of patience, gratitude, and generosity.

We are wishing everyone a peaceful and blessed Ramadan!

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