Sen Çal Kapimi Hande Erçel Kerem Bürsin

Sen Çal Kapimi (You Knock On My Door) Is 2 Years Old

The TV series Sen Çal Kapımı is two years old today, and this series is one of the most memorable series in the history of Turkish TV series.

Sen Çal Kapimi – You Knock On My Door

Sen Çal Kapimi Hande Erçel Kerem Bürsin (1)

It has made an enormous impact not only in the TV world inside Turkey but also worldwide. However, check out why films are being made in Turkey.

Fans are waiting for Sen Çal Kapimi season 3.

In Social Media, people are seen celebrating two years of the unforgettable TV series starring Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin.

Sen Çal Kapimi Hande Erçel Kerem Bürsin (2)

The first episode of the Sen Çal Kapımı series, which has been shown in more than 80 countries to date, was broadcast precisely two years ago today, on July 8, 2020.

When the series Sen Çal Kapimi started, it was a romantic comedy like any other. Even the ratings were terrible.

However, the series, which was broadcast on Fox TV, continued to be broadcast because it attracted significant interest abroad.

Series ratings dropped severely and entered the season break at an unusual time.

The series, which made the season finale with its 39th episode on April 17, started its second season with a time jump a few months later.

The series increased its ratings a lot with its second season.

It made the final with its 52nd episode aired on September 8, 2021.

Sen Çal Kapimi Hande Erçel Kerem Bürsin (7)

With its final episode, Sen Çal Kapımı broke a record on social media and even surpassed Games Of Thrones, considered one of the best TV series of all time.

It has been almost a year since the Sen Çal Kapımı series ended in Turkey, but its echo continues worldwide.

Sen Çal Kapimi Hande Erçel Kerem Bürsin (12)

During the time, Hande Erçel won Title Coolest Girl by ELLE Girl.

While the fans praised the series, they also said that they missed the couple Eda and Serkan very much.

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