11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days

11 Health Benefits Of Spirituality

There are multiple ways to practices spirituality, and there is no single definition defined yet to spirituality. However, everyone has their way of being spiritual. 

Health Benefits of Spirituality: Experts describe spirituality as a belief, but regardless of definition or practice method (like meditation, prayer or yoga), spirituality has significant health benefits.

Studies suggest spirituality is beneficial to mental health, physical health, better life and may even add years and a smile to life.

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days are:

1. Reduce Stress

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Reduce Stress

Several ways can cause stress, such as divorce, job loss, fights, love life, death, business, and work and daily life pressures. Of course, some stress is every day, but excess stress can be debilitating.

Practising spirituality is a productive way to reduce stress levels and focus the energy on something positive.

2. Reduce Depression

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Reduce Depression

Depression, a mood or a state of disorder that causes sadness, sleepiness, crying, evil thoughts, negativity, guilt and brokenness, hopelessness, can interfere with daily life.

Depression can be treated with medication, meditation and talk therapy, but studies suggest spirituality, namely mindfulness meditation and prayer, can also reduce the effects of depression.

3. Live longer

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Live longer

Studies suggest that people who participate in religious activity have a lower death rate than those who do not. 

4. Lower Blood Pressure (BP)

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Lower Blood Pressure (BP)

Some studies suggest that more spiritual people have lower blood pressure than those who are not.

Because high blood pressure and stress are connected, a flood of stress hormones increases the heart rate and narrows the blood vessels through increasing BP.

Therefore, minimizing stress levels through spirituality or spiritual practice can, in turn, lower or balance the blood pressure. 

5. Improved Self Confidence 

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Improved Self Confidence

Being part of an amazing spiritual community or having close community relations can help increase self-confidence and mental, physical outlook, leading to taking better care of life.

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6. Improved Emotional States

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Improved Emotional States

Spirituality can promote close family and friendship bonds and help people cope with physical or emotional pain and other life stressors.

It can also help people a strong sense of community, particularly for those who are part of a spiritual group or community.

In addition, regularly gathering with like-minded people or good friends can help prevent feelings of isolation, something that many older adults struggle to find.

7. Recovery

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days

Studies have documented the value of spirituality in supporting recovery.

In addition, there is proof that spirituality helps against remission among alcoholic individuals, helping to facilitate recovery and prevent loss. 

8. Lower Rates of Anxiety 

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Lower Rates of Anxiety

Similar to reducing depression, those who experience anxiety can see a reduction in anxiety as spiritual practices increase.

It is sometimes possible to help reduce the level of anxiety and shorten the duration by increasing spirituality.

9. Promotes Peace and Harmony

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Promotes Peace and Harmony

Spirituality promotes peace and harmony among people.

It reduces violence, aggression, and struggles. Besides, it encourages acceptance, forgiveness which help everyone to live together in harmony.

10. No Fear and Clear Thought

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
No Fear and Clear Thought

Spirituality removes the fear of death and other insecurities in life.

It also helps to overcome attachment to this world and life-related issues. Hence, the person loses fear, anxiety and is ready to face failure and consequences in life.

11. Better Rules

11 Health benefits of spirituality for a better life in modern days
Better Rules

It helps in setting better rules for humanity and the world. Notice any marriage ceremony or death; they have some rituals and have their origins in spiritual knowledge.

These rituals are not meant to enhance the concept but provide more significant meaning in life. For instance, marriage is not a lust based communion but a responsibility based commitment.

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