FX's Snowfall to end after the fifth season, leaving fans wondering what is next

FX’s “Snowfall” to end after the fifth season, leaving fans wondering what is next

FX’s popular series “Snowfall” is airing its final season, and fans are eager to see how the story will conclude.

The show follows the rise of Franklin Saint, a young man who becomes a drug kingpin during the 1980s crack epidemic in Los Angeles.

The final season sees Franklin dealing with the fallout from a robbery that puts him at odds with his family and entangles him with various criminal organizations, including the KGB and the DEA.

Meanwhile, Cissy seeks revenge against Teddy, who killed her husband in the previous season.

The show has been praised for its authentic portrayal of the era and its complex characters, such as Franklin’s uncle, Jerome, and Cissy.

Fans are wondering what show will be able to replace “Snowfall” once it ends, as it has set a high bar for gritty and culturally relevant drama.

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